Opis Kursu
Nazwa kursu:History of Poland
Data:01.01.2021 - 31.12.2030
Godziny:9:00 - 20:00
Miejsce:PolishStreet, ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 15, Wrocław
Cena:450,00 PLN
Poziom:History of Poland
10 hours of Polish modern history!

The addressed subjects:
  • Poland: Up to and including World War II
  • Communism in Poland (1944 – 1989)
  • The time of the transformation of the political regime (1989 – 2004)
  • The history of selected cities or regions (e.g. Wrocław)

The series consists of 5 meetings, each one of them gives you 120 interesting minutes.

The lectures are given in English.
Konto bankowe szkoły:
Account owner:Polishstreet.com Sp. z o. o.
Bank name:Alior Bank SA
IBAN:PL 39 2490 0005 0000 4530 3116 2861