Opis Kursu
Nazwa kursu:History of Wroclaw
Data:01.01.2021 - 31.12.2030
Godziny:9:00 - 18:00
Miejsce:4 Temples District, Wrocław, Poland
Cena:450,00 PLN
Poziom:Historical Visits in Wrocław
10 hours of Wroclaw history with visitation in main historic places in the city!

The course is given by Anna Galar PHD on History.
1 meeting takes 90 min and includs a short lecture and seeing the destination place.

If we do not have a group of 10 people the fee will be returned.
Konto bankowe szkoły:
Account owner:Polishstreet.com Sp. z o. o.
Bank name:Alior Bank SA
IBAN:PL 39 2490 0005 0000 4530 3116 2861