Опис курсу
Назва курсу:Summer - Advanced B1
Дата:01.03.2025 - 27.06.2025
Годин:17:30 - 19:00, 19:05 - 20:35
Місце:PolishStreet, ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 9, Wrocław
Ціна:1.600,00 PLN
Рівень:Advanced B1
The course is dedicated for advanced students after 4 semesters of Polish language classes - B1 Level

After that course the students shoud comunicate on the intermediate level. They should be able to:
  • talk and write about people's personalities
  • talk and write about famous people in media
  • talk and writeabout their work
  • talk and write about their lesure time
  • talk and write about movies
  • talk and write about fasion
  • express in polish feelings, emotions, conditions and ask somebody abou it
  • talk and write about the topic: Cuisine & Cooking
  • talk and write about the topic: Sport
  • talk about the topic: Life abroad
  • use forms of Present/ Past/ Future Tense in indicative and question constructios
  • use the Perfective aspect of the verbs
  • apply the Nomative, Accusative, Instrumantal, Genitive, Loctive and Dative forms in the conversations and writing
  • use conditional constructions
  • use imperative constructions
  • talk on other topics for the wish of the students

4 month long course (60 classes) twice a week per 90 min.
Банківський рахунок школи:
Account owner:Polishstreet.com Sp. z o. o.
Bank name:Alior Bank SA
IBAN:PL 39 2490 0005 0000 4530 3116 2861