The cost is calculated according to the current price list.
Payments can made by cash at school or by bank transfer.
Paid at the beginning of each month during the course - in the case of semester courses
Paid before the course commencement – in case of intensive, summer and thematic courses
Payments are not refundable.
In the case of the absence of a teacher due to unforeseeable circumstances, the school will provide another teacher or will reschedule the lesson for another time convenient for both parties. In the case of resignation, the student is obliged to inform the school at least one week in advance. |
The schedule will be available one week before the course commences.
Being late or absent does not constitute a refund. |
Cancelling a lesson is possible on the day previous to the lesson up until 7 p.m. The teacher needs to be informed about the cancellation by phone. The teacher and the student arrange a convenient time for a make-up lesson, however the number of rescheduled lessons cannot exceed two in a month.
If the teacher has not received the information about the cancellation by the specified time, the student will be obligated to pay for the cancelled lesson. |
On 02/07/2025, the following agreement was signed between:
- Ewa Widera, the President of Sp. z o. o. with the seat in Wrocław, (54-067), ul. Piekarska 16, NIP (Tax ID Number): 8943066519, further on referred to as Contractor
- , citizen of , Passport number: further on referred to as Client.
§ 1
The subject of this Agreement is the provision of Polish language lessons by Contractor to Client in The {Polish classes}, Course from {02/07/2025} to {08/07/2025}. The semester counts {90} hours and classes are given in a system of {2} per day.
§ 2
The total price of the semester is PLN. The payment will be paid based on invoice send via mail into mail address: .
The lesson fee covers the cost of the materials used during the classes with the exclusion of the cost of textbooks with CD which are charged for separately. The classes will be conducted at the place and time coordinated with Client.
§ 3
Contractor undertakes to keep a register of the provided lessons.
§ 4
The payment will be provided on time and in the correct way by Client – will be transferred to the Contractor’s bank account or paid by cash every month in advance.
§ 5
In case of Client’s absence or delays at the lessons the Contractor do not return money.
§ 6
This present Agreement can be terminated at any time via mail. Client is obligated to pay one other installment of the course for the next month of the classes.
§ 7
All changes of the content of the Agreement require a written form. In cases not settled by this Agreement the regulations of the Civil Code are applicable.
§ 8
The Agreement has been written in two identical copies, one for each party.